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Installing CWM and Installing Android 4.3 on your GT-I9505

DISCLAIMER:Before proceeding, please note that modifying your phone's firmware will void its warranty. YOU ARE TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DEVICE.
Also note that you have to wipe your device and erase everything! As in "EVERYTHING". You may use Moborobo or any backing-up software available in the internet.Another thing, installing AOSP Rom on your phone removes some features of the S4 i.e. Air Gestures, Air View, etc. But will still have the power to do S-Beam, as NFC is funtional on the 4.3 Google Edition. ..DO NOT TRY THIS IF YOU HAVE NO OR LITTLE KNOWLEDGE ON FLASHING ROMS! ASK QUESTIONS IF THERE'S SOMETHING NOT CLEAR TO YOU. (Wag lang po yung masyadong matanong...) :P .
Installing a CWM
(What is CWM recovery?) - ClockWork Mod recovery allows you to install custom firmware on any android devices.
How to Install CWM recovery on your GT-9505 Phone
1. Download CWM based recovery for i9505 
and ODIN (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2189539) 
2. Boot your phone into recovery by pressing Volume Down + Power + Home Button and Choose Download
.3. Plugin the device on your computer (Make sure that drivers are properly installed on the computer)
4. Run Odin as an admistrator, choose PDA, and browse the TAR file that you've downloaded. Then click start..5. Once finished. The device will update it's core component. And now you have CWM....Installing Android 4.3.1. Download the rom here: http://hotfile.com/dl/231183524/63eb153/Android-4.3-I9505GUEUBMFP-Odexed-I9505.zip.html.2. Once downloaded, put it in your SD card..3. Boot into CWM by pressing Volume up + Power + Home. Once the Samsung logo appears, let go of the buttons.
4. Make sure you Reset to factory settings, clear cache and davlik-cache
.5. Flash Rom via ZIP, and locate the one that you've just downloaded.6. Right after the reboot, you will now have Android 4.3 on your phone! CONGRATULATIONS! :) (But not yet rooted).6. After the phone is already up and running, it's time to root your 4.3 device.
.7. Download: http://download.chainfire.eu/340/SuperSU/SuperSU-JWR66N-S005-130625-1.41.zip and put it in your SD Card.9. Boot the device on CWM again, and flash the SuperSU. ...And you're done!!! ROOTED 4.3 Baby!! :D Enjoy! :) 

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