Open MTK Droid Tools as Administrator, make sure your phone is turned on and plug your phone. Wait for it to recognize your device, if not download the ADB drivers and install this to your PC. If your phone recognizes your device on MTK Droid click ROOT button and a confirmation popup just select yes and in your phone accept root permission.
Next is select BLOCKS MAP and click CREATE A SCATTER FILE. Save it on your desktop. Do not yet close the window we will need it to gather the hex file of our recovery..
Next is open SPFLASH TOOL as and Administrator, click SCATTER-LOADING and select the scatter file that we recently saved to your desktop and click Readback.
Double click the N/A (ROM_0) and a popup window will appear, save to desktop as a directory then rename file ROM_0 to recovery.img and save it... Another windows will appear select the type as HEX and edit the start address (do not delete the first 2 digit 0x) open mtk droid tools window recently and locate the name recovery,you will see a scatter and size (column view), copy the last 7-digit number starting from right to the left of scatter and paste it to SPFLASH Tool windows and edit the start address (example: 0x63780000) same as thelength open again mtkdroid tools and copy the last 7-digit number starting from right to the left of size and paste it on SPFLASH Tool...
Example view of SPFLASH Tool
Start address: 0x+last 7-digit number
Length: 0x+last 7-digit number
and press OK.. Uncheck other boxes and remain the ROM_0 checked, turn off your phone, remove the battery and clicked READBACK button and plug + insert the battery.. if it successfull you will see a green circle..
copy the recovery.img located to your desktop and upload it on facebook...
SPFLASH TOOL: download/aix6jxmcbxmmc2b/ SP+Flash+Tool+3.1352.01+%285.13 52.01%29.rar.html