Got butterflies on your stomach? Chills down on your spine? A quaver in your voice? These are the common feelings describe a very common problem - stress.

Sweaty palms, a rapidly beating heart and all other physical symptoms you have  when you are anxious or nervous are really manifestations of what scientists call the fight/flight response."It is the way our bodies gear up to help us when something upsetting happens and we might have to fight or run away. In some circumstance of course, we can't do either. And if you experience this feelings every time you take an exam, for example, you internalize the stress - and that can lead to problems like stomachaches and headaches.

One good way to alleviate stress is to anticipate it. If you can prepare for the speech you have to make by reviewing the material beforehand, you may be less nervous later on. If you know that you argue with your folks over specific problems, see if you can strike a compromise.

For most of us, however, a certain amount of tension is inevitable. for those occasions, then, second quieting reflex is what you want. Here are the steps:

Effective Methods on How to Reduce Stress

1.)  Smile inwardly and say "I know I can stay calm"

2.) Take a slow, easy breath, and imagine that you're breathing in through the soles of your feet and bringing    air up all the way through your body
3.)Drop your jaw slightly so that your teeth separate and your tongue lies flat.

4.)Release any tension you feel, as you begin to exhale the air and picture it going down through your body.

5.)As you exhale, imagine a wave heaviness and warmth flowing your feet.

Other effective method to reduce stress includes daydreaming ( take a quick mental journey to a more peaceful, pleasant place ) ; participation on sports, especially non-competitive ones ; listening to music, preferably softer tunes, talking your feelings out with a friend ; keeping a journal, in which you can express yourself.