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Guide: Changing Png , left and centering the clock

  • Introduction
This guide show where to find in the codes in xml to change the png or color you want to change and centering the clock. Im sorry if you dont understand this guide, if it helps you then im glad :)
  • this ss shows statusbar with number


  •  XML guide
  zzz1 = 1
  zzz3 = 3
  zzz4 = 4
  zzz5 = 5
  zzz6 = 6
  zzz7 = 7

  • zzz1 is located in status_bar_tracking.xml

you can use png to use as background by changing android:background="@drawable/name_of_png" then add the png in SystemUI.apk\res\drawable-ldpi or change by using color codes ex. android:background="#ff000000"
  • zzz3 , zzz4 and zzz5 is located in status_bar_expanded.xml 

you can use png to use as background by changing android:background="@drawable/name_of_png" then add the png in SystemUI.apk\res\drawable-ldpi or change by using color codes ex. android:background="#ff000000"
  • zzz6 and zzz7 is located in status_bar.xml

you can use png to use as background by changing android:background="@drawable/name_of_png" then add the png in SystemUI.apk\res\drawable-ldpi or change by using color codes ex. android:background="#ff000000"
first open status_bar.xml using notepad++ and look for this line

delete the whole line 

then find this line

then paste this line

so it should look like this (the one with the red mark at top)

to adjust the font size of the clock, edit the number in this line


NOTE: After centering clock you need to change the background of the media scanning to avoid overlapping with the clock

 Open status_bar.xml and find the line zzz7

edit android:background="blah blah" to android:background="#ff000000" this hex code will make the bg black or you can make your own bg by making it android:background="@drawable/name_of_png" then add the png in SystemUI.apk\res\drawable-ldpi 

download the link below then copy the line inside

then paste it under

    LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/icons" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" 

it should look like this

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